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Operational Excellence:

The Relentless Pursuit of Doing Things Better

Business organizations like General Electric, Apple, 3M and Disney are able to grow and remain profitable for decades because they “operate” better than their competitors and peers. In a way, business is not primarily about men, machine and money but about operations involving them. Hence, business excellence is attributed rightly to operational excellence.


How Does Operational Excellence (OE) Make Sense?

OE deals with the application of a variety of philosophies, principles, systems, and tools that help a business to achieve its goals. The three basic components of OE are definition/design of: customer value (what a business wants to achieve); key performance indicator (where it has to perform to achieve its objectives); and operations (what it should do to improve its performance).

If a goal of a business is “improving customer experience”, its key performance indicators could be “zero defects” of its products. Next comes designing of operations that would help the company achieve zero defects.


What we teach?

OE is a journey. It is about continuous improvement. At Synergy, we teach the fundamentals of OE and the time-tested OE methodologies: Kaizen and Six Sigma.

Kaizen asks for small, doable steps towards improvement of organizational function so as to achieve a business goal like cutting cost or improving service. Six Sigma focuses on the elimination of flaws in a process and the standardization of the processes wherever possible. Find out all the courses we offer under these two methodologies.

Who can take the course?

If you are a junior, middle or senior level manager/engineer or an executive who is committed or assigned to question current operating models and focus on adding value, you can consider enrolling in our courses and training programmes.



CDC International

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