Civil CADD
The end-to-end design and analysis in civil engineering projects such as buildings, roads, bridges, dams, and airports is carried out using Computer Aided Drafting and Design software. Civil engineers use CAD to design, develop, manage and maintain their projects - besides, calculating materials and costs.
Offering Courses
CAD is widely used for 2D drafting, 3D modeling, and analysis. Following are the key Civil CAD tools that are currently popular in this field:
CADD Center’s Civil Engineering Courses
CADD Centre offers hundreds of courses for civil engineers under the following categories:s
AutoCAD Civil
Staad Pro
MX Road

Duration:80 Hours

The courses offered under the Proficient category helps students learn all the features of a particular CAD software that are used for different applications.

Duration: 160 Hours

Imparting mastery in two or more different CAD software (standalone and even competing software) is the objective of the courses offered in this category. The ultimate objective is to help students gain productivity in a particular function.

Duration 240 Hours

These courses equip students with an entire spectrum of CAD skills for a job function, using multiple CAD software, cutting across a wide range of popular CAD product suites.